Chapter 18 - Chained Links

Okay so first off answers to some of the question. No she didn't answer his questions ;) she just assumed he would understand that she simply didn't have an answer to that. That's the catch, you'll see where it leads in the next chapter ;).

And yes they are back together, not entirely continuing from where they left off but letting their relationship take its own course. He didn't want to hurt her and buried his question, because his need to have her back was greater. 

Do remember that the story has to twist back round and end back up at chapter 4. This is still Khushis flashback ;). 

Their glares locked as Arnavs fingers dug into Lavanyas skin. "Let go of me ASR! How dare you?! You think you can dump me for this low class girl?!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He bellowed as his fingers tightened around her arm, he moved closer to her, a fire blazing in his eyes. She squirmed in pain, "ASR you're hurting me!" She exclaimed, squeezing her eyes shut, unable to bear the pain of his vice like grip. "And you're pissing me off!" His voice was like rust. Khushi watched finding it almost impossible to believe that her Arnav had this side to him. He looked like he would kill her at any moment. Tears sprang out of Lavanyas eyes, "remember ASR you are about to get engaged to me! My fathers entered into a deal with you!" She shouted through the pain, angry tears falling down her face. "And I break this relationship," his voice was bland, to the point, not a hint of emotion in it, "it was never supposed to get to this point!" He spoke through gritted teeth, "it's not my fault that you got emotionally attached! You are the one that dragged my sister into this! Forced me to agree to a marriage I didn't care about! And I would've gone through with it as well but I would've never loved you! Doesn't it bother you to want to live your life with a man who doesn't love you back?!" He spat out, letting her arm go. She stumbled back, finding it almost impossible to believe what had just come out of his mouth and new tears welled up in her eyes. "YOU! You're putting me down in front of this worthless whore?! Who the hell do you think you are?!" She screamed shaking with anger. He took a further dangerous step towards her, every muscle on his face tense, the tendons on his neck standing out his eyes murderous and boring into her when Khushi who had up till now been watching jumped in front of Lavanya pushing her out of the way. "No Arnav! Stop it! STOP THIS!" She shouted, needing to calm the situation down. At that same time Anjali came running out, panicking at the commosion. "What's wrong?" Lavanya jumped into her arms, weeping, Anjali supported her whilst turning an accusing eye towards Arnav who was now looking away, his face still taunt with anger. Then she looked towards Khushi who was still standing in between Lavanya and Arnav, creating a barrier. "What's going on chotte?" She questioned. He looked at her once, anger still flaring through his face then stomped away, depicting to everyone that the conversation was now over, he head spoken his final word.


The phone rang for the fourth time, she let it. She lay on the couch unable to console herself anymore. Three boxes of tissue lay at the floor of her couch, she snuffed another tissue at her eyes attempting to stop the tears. She had loved him, despite knowing the fact that he hadn't she had continued to love him and now that he had turned around and ruined her life for the second time, she didn't know what to make of it.

The phone rang again, "Hi this is Lavanya, can't take your call at the moment, leave a message. Thanks." "beep". "Lavanyaji, I believe I have a deal that may be of interest to you."

Her head snapped up, wasn't that Anjali di's husbands voice? And what deal could he possibly have. Rubbing at her eyes she quickly grabbed the phone off of its cradle and re-dialled, her fingers still shaking from too many emotions coursing through her at the one time.


"Who is this?"

"Shyam. I believe I have a plan which will be of benefit for the both of us," his cunning voice came through the phone. Lavanyas forehead creased as she attempted to decode what he was upto.

"What plan? What are you talking about?" She questioned him.

"I believe we both have a problem now Lavanyaji, yours being Khushi and you'll know mines soon enough. And I think it's time we did something about it."

"I'm listening," the strength was back in her voice, the need for revenge clear.

"Good. Meet me at 6 this afternoon. I'll text you the place." And with that he cut the call off.

She stared into the phone, unable to fathom what that had been about exactly. Shyam was Arnavs brother-in-law, so why was he talking about making a deal with her?

"Whatever it was about. That stupid bitch doesn't deserve ASR over me!" She shouted aloud to herself. "He's mine only mine!" She screamed. "And she'll pay!" Her eyes widened in fury, her breaths came out loud and constricted as she struggled to keep her anger at bay.

5o'clock! Lavanya quickly slid her feet into her polished, 6 inch blue heels, grabbed her handbag and made her way towards the door. She turned the door knob and pulled the door open only to slightly lose balance at seeing who stood in front of her. Her eyes widened and nearly shot out of her sockets as she looked on at a drenched Khushi standing in front of her. She flickered a look down to Khushis toes, taking in the tiny puddle of water she had created from the water dripping off of her.

"Can I come in?" Khushis voice was timid, maybe scared. Lavanya glared, her look cold but moved aside, holding the door open. Khushi scuffled in, her feet making a noise every time they moved and leaving puddles of water in her gait. Lavanya let a loud breath out, trying to control her anger and closed the door shut behind her.

She didn't ask Khushi to sit and instead went and stood in front of her, with her arms crossed at her chest, using her height to her advantage. "What do you want?" She demanded, the distaste clear in her voice. "I just... I just," she stuttered, finding it difficult to form the correct words. "What is it? I don't have all day!" Khushi looked back up at Lavanyas eyes, a little annoyed now. "I came to apologise," she admitted with a sigh. "I don't know what kind of relationship you two shared and I don't know how I eventually ended up coming into the middle of it. But Lavanya believe me when I say I would've stayed away if I could." Her eyes flickered up to Lavanyas face, exhibiting nothing but the truth and Lavanyas composure began to waver. "I honestly don't know what to do anymore," she continued, her voice breaking slightly, "and if it's going to effect Arnav in anyway, you just have to tell me and I'll step away," tears now made their way down her face and she spoke in between sobs. Lavanya felt her eyes well up too in response, too many emotions playing on her already battered heart. Khushi continued her story, in between sobs with large in takes of breath in between. "I was the one that left him and I had never intended to come back into his life. Although I never got over him, I don't believe for one second that I deserve him back. I wanted to spend one precious moment with him before I left and that's when my mother called, telling me that my father had been fighting between life and death throughout the night, that he was paralyzed, and it broke me!" Her sobs were louder, her words coming out fast in a jumble. "I didn't know what to do, I didn't know if I could face Arnav before I left because my heart was so heavy with guilt!" I shouldn't have left him, I should have gone about things a lot more differently. And I'm sorry now I've ruined too many people lives. I'm so sorry!" She sobbed into her hands, her shoulders shaking with the effort. Lavanya quickly enclosed her in a hug, supporting her trembling body, completely understanding her plight.


Arnav walked over to the large french doors, taking a deep breathe inwards. He moved the ice inside it's glass, the blocks of ice clinking against the glass within the brown liquid. He took it to his mouth and took a swig, swallowing whilst focusing his eyes into the horizons. He rarely retorted to drinking on his own, but this was one of those days, only it could provide him with a little oblivion. She still hadn't told him why she had left so abruptly, why she hadn't attempted to make any contact over all of those years. But his need to have her back in his life was stronger and he would have plenty more opportunities to ask her. No matter what now however, she was back in his life and it made him feel a lot more complete.

His phone vibrated inside his pocket and he slid it on without checking to see who it was.

"Hello ASR," Lavanyas voice came through the speaker, sounding slightly troubled.

His eyes opened wider and then darkened, a grimness taking over his face.

"ASR are you listening?" There was panic in her voice but he wasn't thinking straight, the rage consuming him.

"I don't feel the need to talk to you Lavanya!" He cut the call off.

Shyam watched the woman he had met only five minutes ago, sneering at her stupidity. She would be the perfect pawn. He cackled to himself loudly, already knowing his next step.


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